My friend Shelly Snead of the UnPerfect Podcast, who I hope will soon be your friend too, invited me to pull up a chair to discuss Four Ways to Restful, Healthier Eating.
Shelly’s approach to life encourages you and I to rest. She models giving yourself grace in the struggle of craving perfect and is determined to find glimpses of God’s glory in the now and not yet.
Listen in to hear us discuss how to help you go from knowing what to eat to knowing how to eat well without striving. Discover how restful eating helps make new healthy eating habits permanent.
A few new nuggets surface as we dive in and find examples in our own lives.
I know you will enjoy Shelly as much as I do. When you subscribe to her podcast you will hear more wit and wisdom. And you will find yourself chuckling as she gives you permission to rest in who you are created to be.
When you eat well most of the time, not all of the time, you will bring more peace to your table and rest to your spirit.
A gentle reminder,
God wants you to know,
He sees you, He hears you, He loves you,
What a great concept - "good enough" eating... I certainly need to hear this right now. Can't wait to listen.
I hope our conversation blesses you, Megan!