Reframe Shame into Curiosity with 1 Grammatical Switch
Nourish your soul with a lens of grace.
⬆️⬆️ Prefer voice? Listen to the end to soak in a prayer for you.
Do you find regret and guilt gnaw at you some days too?
Guilt over decisions made, when we knew less than we do now.
Chastising ourselves over today’s actions.
Anxious thoughts about tomorrow’s and next year’s situations.
My wise friend said recently, that we aren’t meant to deal with yesterday and today and the future. Only God lives outside of time.
You are meant to handle today.
Just today.
So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today. Matthew 6:34 NLT
When we try to manage it all at once, shame and anxious thoughts steal from today.
Soul shame.
Body shame.
Food and eating shame.
Nutrition shame.
Mercy, I hear shame expressed over not being able to cook (hence the Plain Jane recipes).
You can escape shame for a minute in a distracting task, but when you slow and hear criticism, what can be done with it in the moment?
The foundational answer is one you would expect. But there is also a strategy - the topic of this newsletter - that brings you hope and relief.
Time spent with Jesus is an impenetrable shield from shame. Prayer, worship, reading the Bible, bring you under His wings where you can be shame-free. This is foundational.
Because shame is never from God. Never.
Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death. Romans 8: 1-2
This realization is essential. It empowers you to try this strategy:
A Grammatical Switch
When you compare yourself to others, soak in disappoint in yourself, your contentment rattling,
Pause. Stall your thought1.
Turn your statement into a question2.
Instead of settling into self-judgment, lift your eyes to reframe shame into a curious question.
Switch the period at the end of your caught statement into a question mark.
Instead of:
Why would God bless me. → Why wouldn’t God bless me?
I can’t believe I just overate again. → Curious: Why did I overeat?
They never eat what I make for dinner. → Why don’t they want to eat dinner?
I have to fight hunger all afternoon. → I have to fight hunger all afternoon?
I need to lose 10 pounds to wear that style. → I need to lose 10 pounds to wear that style?
See how it feels lighter?
Like you are above the situation, seeing it from a different vantage point?
Rather than settling for our human view, you are looking with a lens of grace, inviting the Giver of peace to add to your belief.3
Looking up, instead of looking down.
Cultivate Curiosity Rather than Shame
Try it now.
What thought brought you to click on this article?
What isolating belief does the enemy of your soul want you to keep hidden?
Bring it to the light. Turn your statement into a curious question.
Gentleness, instead of heaviness, waits patiently for you.
With this one grammatical switch, you will bring more Peace to your table and rest to your spirit.
How this is helpful? Share in the chat or leave a comment. We are cheering each other on in journey to nourish what needs feeding.
If you are a paid subscriber, look for an additional email that links you to your free downloadable that can be a gentle reminder to Reframe Shame into Curiosity.
Pull up a chair to the Contented Table. There is always room for one more.
Until then,
A gentle reminder,
God wants you to know:
I see you, I hear you, I love you.
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My hope is to help you bring Peace to your table and rest to your spirit through words of nourishment for body and soul, addressing the many reasons we have less than we crave.
Plain Jane Recipes - released once a month (really, who has time to try more than one new recipe a month?). No pesky ads and no surplus scrolling or jumping to get to the good stuff. Includes an audio Recipe Story to encourage you to build food memories and to provide practical nutrition and kitchen tips.
Nourishment for Your Body OR Nourishment for Your Soul - released once a month. Specific nutrition topics OR what God is speaking to me in His Word about Peace at your table and rest for your spirit. Includes a podcast version.
If you are craving more, paid subscribers have access to additional pdfs, exclusive Bible Studies and chats, and an ability to message your prayer requests about body and soul nourishment directly to me.
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We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5
I first heard of this concept to reframe judgmental statements to cultivate curiosity about eating behaviours from Alissa Rumsey, MS, RD.
And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and what is honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Philippians 4:8 NLT
I love this! I also try to stay curious when I’m prone to get frustrated or angry (especially at one of my kids or my spouse). It makes me pause and wonder about what prompted their action - the thoughts and feelings behind it - rather than just the behavior. Never thought about approaching shame with the same tool.❤️