Summer 🔅.
A slower pace and time for more.
But if you are anything like me, the calendar is full, and fitting in the restful things can be stressful.
That's a little ironic.
But here at the Contented Table, you have a pause in the rush. To find Peace at your table - even in the chaos.
Pull up a chair and let’s lean in, to hear what the Word tells us about restful gathering in Week 1 of our Summer Bible Study.
I’ve taken the notes for you. All done.
[Disclaimer: Please forgive the unpredictable distractions in the video. I chose to persevere. And when I said “unexpected”, I really meant “expected”. Thanks for grace!]
The Bible passage:
Matthew 26: 17-19 with reference to Mark 14: 12-15 and Luke 22: 7-13.
Application to your everyday nourishment:
What the “Certain Man” who hosted the Lord’s Supper has taught us:
Holding loosely to what you have, prepares your heart to bless others with it.
Being ready in anticipation of the ask, disintegrates burden.
A heart posture of first inviting Jesus to take a seat at your table brings a Presence of Peace (even in the turmoil).
You will find joy in the giving, rest in the sharing, and end up more fulfilled. Because ultimately, serving Jesus will glorify Him. What we are created to do.
Putting into Practice:
Set an extra place at your table as an act of invitation for Jesus to pull up a chair. It will visually remind you of His presence.
Questions that remain to keep seeking, to ponder, and to pray about:
Lord, what do I need to release to you? Where do I need softening, so I can hold loosely to what I have that others need?
Jesus, is my heart willing/softened/ready so that when an ask comes, it is not a surprise?
What do I need to open wide to You so that I can have joy in serving instead of burden?
Are there any pieces that are in my way of inviting You, Peace itself, to take a seat at my table?
Small Group Reflections:
Click here for the exclusive Bible Study Chat around the Contented Table.
Do you have a specific prayer request about this? I would like to pray for you.
What did you hear when you read or heard this passage? Let’s share insight.
Pull up a chair around the table to continue the conversation as we seek, ponder, and pray over these questions with Bibles and hearts open.
When you hold loosely to what you have been given, ready your heart for His service, and invite Him first, you will find Peace at your table and Rest for your spirit.
See you again in two weeks.
Bring a friend, there’s always room for one more,
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