Do you find your dinner table is more like a bus station with people coming and going, getting up and getting down? Rather than a restful place?
Or maybe you find that you're the only one sitting there.
In either case, you're wondering when this chaos began or when the loneliness at the table started.
Family meals can provide the connection you crave and the rest it is meant to.
Listen in to hear how to establish a place that nourishes both body and soul and where your family wants to be.
Links Mentioned
Let’s talk more. Pull up a chair at the Contented Table Community Chat.
Share what your family table is like
And what you hope it to be.
Find some encouragement and encourage another.
2 for 1 wooden spatulas! My husband got carried away and made extra. If you haven’t had a chance to fill out The Contented Table Reader Survey do so now. You could win a small and medium wooden spatula.
I’m listening.
A gentle reminder,
God wants you to know: I see you, I hear you, I love you.
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