Oh Kelly, this is a beautiful story of redemption in this area. I am thankful for your vulnerability that encourages us in so many ways. Yes and amen to our value being found in the One who loves us unconditionally 🙌. Thank you for this reminder to look up rather than around us to find our worth and know our true beauty.

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This spoke right to my heart. I’ve been on and off the diet roller coaster since I was in my teens. Successes. Failures. All I was left with was a broken relationship with my body and with food. Embracing body positivity helped my mental health but I ended up more overweight than ever, and with newly developed knee problems I suddenly had a new reason to lose weight. Entering into intentional weight loss again after finally making peace with the mirror and my plate was a difficult decision. But 2 years ago I began again. This time I had a lot more grace for myself, I would stop the lies that tied moral value to my food choices before they could take root in my heart, and I made healthier choices for my knee not my vanity. Years of dieting had left my metabolism a bit of a mess so my efforts stalled after a 5% loss over 4 months. 2 months later I reluctantly started on a medication to help. I’ve since lost about 15% of my starting weight, with my weight staying stable for almost a year now. Yet it’s been with so much more peace and grace and freedom. I am no longer a slave to the meal plan or the scale or the mirror. Rejecting the world’s ideas of beauty and health and “happiness” is hard. But I cling to the One who gives me true value and worth and beauty and that helps.

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I love this, Jane.

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Thank you Sandy! Praying it blesses 🙂

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