Have we met?

. . . I’m Jane.

There’s something familiar about you.

Maybe we’ve crossed paths or maybe we have been on a similar path.

Of craving more.

And not knowing quite what it is.

You are welcome here. Invited. This is a place to nourish what needs feeding.

Take a seat in this safe space to explore and experiment with a refreshing perspective on faith and on food.

That truly satisfies.

Contemplate the God that knows you the best, and loves you the most.
Trust a nutrition tip that doesn’t depend on guilt to motivate.
Build confidence in the kitchen by trying a Plain Jane recipe.

Feel free to be the real you. And to be fulfilled.

As a Dietitian, I have helped individuals and families like yours work towards better nutrition for 20+ years. I’ve also walked and stumbled in my Christian faith for that long. Now I want to build a community that supports each other as we wonder how nutrition and faith overlap.

To sift through overwhelming messages, together. With reliable information and a faithful God.

You can find the rest and restoration that your soul craves.

It’s in the practical and by being real.

Finding inspiration from both, in words of nourishment for body and soul. And when you invite Peace Himself to take a seat at your table.

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Plain Jane Recipes - released once a month (really, who has time to try more than one new recipe a month?). No pesky ads and no surplus scrolling or jumping to get to the good stuff. Includes an audio Recipe Story.

Nourishment for Your Body OR Nourishment for Your Soul - released once a month. Specific nutrition topics or what God is speaking to me in His Word about Peace at your table and rest for your spirit. Includes a podcast version.

Paid subscribers can access the full newsletter every time, plus:

  • exclusive access to Bible Studies, member-only chats, practical downloadables, and more.

  • Ability to directly message your prayer requests to me about nourishment for body and soul.

  • Once a month 30-minute live chat (coming soon!) that I host around the Contented Table, discussing the current month’s nourishment topic.

Free subscribers are welcome to try out the Contented Table by enjoying the two monthly articles as long as you like. You have an option to become a paid member if you are craving more.

At the Contented Table, I hope to help you bring Peace to your table and rest for your spirit through words of nourishment for body and soul. Want to listen in?

Pull up a chair and join the conversation. There’s always room for one more.


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Bring Peace to your table and rest to your spirit through words of nourishment for body and soul. Pull up a chair with Jane, a long-serving Christian Dietitian.


THE CONTENTED TABLE. Bring Peace to your table and rest to your spirit, through words of nourishment for body and soul.