To be Loved Completely
Our little-girl heart wants to be loved completely. It's an undercurrent we carry for life. How can we satisfy it? With our daily focus.
For those who are led by the Spirit of God, are the children of God.
Romans 8:14 NIV
"You are beautiful, my daughter.”
His hand cupped my cheek so I would look into His eyes and know this was true. It touched my very soul as warm tears slid silently.
I had smoothed the tulle on my pink dress, sitting with my legs tucked to the side, when I felt His voice beckoning. Hair done up like a Princess, I was ready to worship my King. Deciding sitting was more respectful than standing.
I didn't expect to be spoken to. I am only me and He is well…Him. But my whole being couldn't help but come.
In worship.
In praise.
In yearning to be one.
To be complete and be filled to go on.
To be contradicted of my own opinion of myself
It took only a second to reorient to the words we were singing as a great cloud of witnesses. With eyes open now, the silent statement was claimed:
This is who I am.
A daughter of a king. The King of kings.
But why is it so hard to receive?
Believe it?
"All Hail King Jesus" riveted my thoughts as we united with words of worship.
Is it because being a Princess is our little-girl heart that refuses to fade? To be lavished upon, adored, to be beautiful to another?
But wait, is this twisted or is it an innate, God-given desire?
Vain or divine?
Cinderella was my favorite of favorites storybook as a little girl. The dream I too would be discovered and swept off my feet by royalty. Loved for who I really was, defying how I thought I was viewed by others.
The world around us sensationalizes a modern-day royalty for their coveted attention, the glamour, the priceless treasures and sprawling estates. Its lure can steer us off the route to the true fulfillment of our heart’s desire. God divinely put a yearning to be like a Cinderella Princess in us. To be loved completely as to who we truly are, not by what we try to portray.
Because He knows what will satisfy us - our whole being. Because He is the One who loves us that much and He wants us to know it. By putting the desire in our hearts, we will seek it.
I am praying for us, to persevere in seeking this affirmation daily from Him. Not from fleeting social media status but by sitting at His feet, with bible in hand, basking in the warmth, the cherishing, the unboundless love of Jesus.
So, when we play princess with littles or when we are eyeing the pretty dress at the thrift shop, let’s use it to remind us that this is not a dream to escape reality and pretend. It is reality.
We are princesses.
Our King adores us and is cupping our face to look Him in the eyes so we will know this is true:
“You are beautiful my daughter.”
And I have made Your name known to them, and will make it known, so that the love with which You loved Me may be in them, and I in them.
John 17:26 NASB