Body Shame: The Balanced Momcast Guest Interview
Find Hope amid what tries to be every woman’s battle.
Body Shame.
It’s real and it’s tender.
If you don’t suffer from it daily, you can relate to it.
Sandy Cooper, from The Balanced Momcast, and I dig deep into an area rarely brought to the surface.
Part 1 discusses how body shame impacts us as women and what you can do to find the Peace and rest you were meant to have.
In Part 2, we delve into how our kids are influenced by our culture’s incessant value on appearance and how you can point them to finding their identity in who they were created to be.
You won’t want to miss out on this two-part series.
Listen in to hear hope and where to find Hope amid what tries to be every woman’s battle.
Craving more conversation about body shame?
Pull up a chair, to The Contented Table Community Chat to explore this topic together. Share your experience with body shame, and find a welcoming space with kindred spirits.
A little reminder,
God sees you, He hears you, He loves you.
You are a wealth of information and a compassionate voice to my listeners. Thank you, thank you, thank you.