8 Tips to Salvage Healthy Eating During the Christmas Season
The food. Oh, the food. So good . . . so much.
How do we manage to make it through the season without unraveling all the good eating we have worked to establish?
Read on for a little encouragement as we make our way to 2024.
1) First of all, we need to give ourselves a little grace. And not listen to thoughts that want to infuse guilt into the way our family, or we, are eating.
Food is a huge part of our Christmas culture. And it is a large part of the memories that we look forward to repeating.
Grace is believing the truth that eating some unhealthy food, does not undo the goodness of all the healthy food we do eat.
We discuss giving ourselves permission to eat in my post, How Food Cravings Overwhelm and 5ish strategies to Conquer them.
2) Balance feasting with regular eating. Rather than throw up our hands for December and say, we will make up for it in the New Year, go back to default eating between celebrations.
3) Start the day with a balanced breakfast. I know, it sounds too simplistic, but if we start the day nourished it sets a good rhythm for eating for the rest of the day. And somehow knowing we at least had one solid meal in the midst of the hustle, is comforting to our momma-hearts.
4) Go to Christmas functions fed. Rather than cut back during the day and set ourselves up to overeat, eat meals and snacks normally beforehand. We then arrive able to make food decisions we will be more content with. Even if I acknowledge that I am hungry, I still make different decisions than if I go satisfied.
5) Have your favorite healthy nibble food handy. Socially, we usually hang out at the food table. And sheer proximity to many yummy foods may leave us with unhappy tummies at the end of the day. Reach for your go-to some of the time. Others will appreciate the option too.
6) Seek out non-caloric beverages. I remember at one function, I discretely went to the host’s kitchen tap and filled up. I honestly didn’t care for what was offered and I was thirsty. More ideas here.
7) Add on healthy options rather than take away favorites. Add a veggie tray or some fruit to the mix. It can be zero-prep-simple like baby carrots and cherry tomatoes or a bowl of clementines.
8) Keep family holiday food traditions. Saying no thank you to favorites while our family enjoys them, may seem like the right decision at the time. But restricting often means we will make up for it later. And the joy of participating in the festive food memory is missed.
These ideas intentionally keep the rest in eating. Switch out unrest for a little bit of peace this Christmas season.
You have tips too, that keep our eyes on eating well instead of eating perfectly. And are gentle to our spirit.
Encourage us with it in the comments or join us around the table in the community chat. We will continue the conversation there.
Thanks for pulling up a chair. My hope is one of these tips will nudge you towards more peace and rest at your table.
A gentle reminder,
God wants you to know: I see you, I hear you, I love you
This is such a great list of encouraging techniques to use during the holiday season and yet not place a guilty feeling on oneself.
Thank you Cheryl. I hope it brings you a little rest in the swing of the season!